The Gumotex Safari stands out as the perfect kayak for white-water adventures and exploring small rivers. It is a sporty, technically maneuverable craft with an exceptionally comfortable seat.
Scoprega Paddle 210-240 cm
Our Scoprega Double Paddles are ideal for beginners. They can be adjusted in length continuously from 210-240 cm. Beginners may not yet know which paddle length suits them best. With the Scoprega paddle, various lengths can be experimented with.
Bravo GM 4 XS Air Pump
A very compact and smooth pump, ideal for smaller boats like Gumotex Twist, Gumotex Swing 1, Gumotex Safari or Gumotex Rush 1. The pump is also perfect for longer trips as it takes up minimal space in the boat. The feet can be folded, and the handles can be unscrewed.
Scoprega S.p.A. Via Leonardo Da Vinci 63 20062 - Cassano D'Adda Milano - Italy
Product Description
Gumotex Safari
The Gumotex Safari stands out as the perfect kayak for white-water adventures and exploring small rivers. It is a sporty, technically maneuverable craft with an exceptionally comfortable seat.
Scoprega Paddle 210-240 cm
Our Scoprega Double Paddles are ideal for beginners. They can be adjusted in length continuously from 210-240 cm. Beginners may not yet know which paddle length suits them best. With the Scoprega paddle, various lengths can be experimented with.
Bravo GM 4 XS Air Pump
A very compact and smooth pump, ideal for smaller boats like Gumotex Twist, Gumotex Swing 1, Gumotex Safari or Gumotex Rush 1. The pump is also perfect for longer trips as it takes up minimal space in the boat. The feet can be folded, and the handles can be unscrewed.